Many pessimism analyzed the results of the Convention in Copenhagen, as it revealed a lack of commitment from the leaders of industrialized countries in reducing their emissions. While this is true, I think the results of this convention are a warning to self-management of emissions, starting with the common person of the bulb off when not needed, the employer through optimizing its energy resources, to decisions and emission reduction projects national and transnational. In this regard, the Kyoto Protocol led to many processes of global research that resulted in the development of cost-effective tools for reducing emissions. Although such measures at an early tax emerged as standards, and today have their own life and do not require resources or external impulses continue to evolve, given the momentum they have generated.
The aim of this paper is to show the legacy that the Kyoto Protocol has left and show the state of the art of emissions management through the dissemination of tools and mechanisms that now exist, which remain in effect and evolve with or without Copenhagen. Management tools established the Kyoto Protocol flexible management tools to help signatories meet their emission standards: the main ones are: emission trading between Annex I industrialized countries (in this Annex are signatory countries which has the obligation to reduce their emissions. Project Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): Designed for Annex I countries, to implement their projects in developing countries (non-Annex I), in order to compensate for their CO2 emissions through savings generated by these projects.
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