A wedding ring is a symbol of the vows. Marriage means halving his rights and his obligations to double. “The marriage is designed, solutions to problems, which alone has one!” Two more or less sinnige sayings, which are getting their laughs. Marriage partners tested uttered by suffering as well as principle opponents of marriage, like unchecked bring this wisdom among the people. There are many such, meaningful, or just humorous arranged proverbs and wisdom dealing with marriage. These are primarily in the run-up to a wedding when the pair attached, the eve of, and immediately after the ceremony at the wedding ceremony if wedding and engagement rings are already bought in the Dare County with family and friends. By the Lebanese American poet, painter, Mystic and philosopher Khalil Gibran, (1883-1931) the Prophet was published in 1926 a book titled “.” The hero of this book is called Almustafa and has profound insights and advice on all topics of everyday life offer, of course, for the marriage. Since he speaks among other things: (…) Love one another, but does not make love to the restraint: let it rather be a surging sea between the shores of your souls.
Each other fills the bowl but doesn’t drink from a cup (…) sings and dances together and rejoice, but let each one of you be alone. (…) And is to face together, but not too close: for the pillars of the temple stand for themselves. And the oak tree and the Cypress grow not in the shadow of the other. a>. “The advice by Almustafa are impregnated by deep wisdom and an excellent judge of character. You basically to run also, as an individual in the institution marriage not to lose – to the development of both souls desire. A difficult and taboo occupied theme in dyadic relationship, where common living, dining and bedroom with double beds have tradition and few dare, here deliberately to break out. You non to the love ’em two apartments or sleep in separate beds or to create your own at least a separate room to this uncompromising To be able to live out the individuality.
Many relationships break up because one or both do not unfold. You see, Khalil Gibrals book has lost none of their relevance in over 80 years. Apparently the problems with the marriage of principle nature. Andreas Mettler
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