The end of the memory? Eugenia Meyer the text ' ' The end of memria' ' of author Eugenia Meyer, it causes the use of the orality the construction of history, its research consists of the accomplishment of recorded interviews with people who can testify on events passed to the construction of the facts. The author discloses one of the points that the historian is allowed to use in the captation of data: ' ' the necessary historian of imagination and inventividade; in case that contrary, he will be before same looser to start cruzada' ' (MEYER, Eugenia. 2009: p. 33). That is, it is a work that requires astuteness, to dribble some ' ' truths escondidas' ' , that many times are encubadas, scratched out, forgotten, with intention to confuse or to spot part of the history, that in many times these ' ' truths escondidas' ' if to arrive tona they are inconvenient in the construction of some ideologies.
The text describes a little of the life of the author in its battle to portray history through its experiences of work, after rambling with the recorder in the hand, listening, to inquire, to ask, to question and to look for to know of yes same felt which the true one of the historical task. That is, the author starts to prove a bit of the proper poison. She was from the decade of 60 and principles of the decade of 70, that she started to plan and to scheme how could formulate a project of rescue of certifications right-handers of the old revolutionaries from the methodology of verbal history. Its stories leave the enormous importance clearly to consider, to respect, and to learn other forms to think and to act, valuing each one of that individual that had shared its past. In its trajectory to tell the facts, a doctor knew and if he compromised in reconstructing its history of life.
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