moral values of the population. The new demands and social actors who appear in the country in decade of 1920, as affirm NAGLE (2000), have as objective central office to fight the illiteracy, the vices of the elite politics and to diminish the foreign influence, mainly, in the south of the country. The used form to carry through this task was the creation of nationalistic groups. Groups as Liga de National Defesa and Nationalistic Liga of So Paulo are examples of as the nationalistic ideas had penetrated in the Brazilian society of the time. The Leagues had as objective tracings in its programs and manifestos: the defense of> Revolution of 1930, can be characterized as great attempt of critical rupture and to the model adopted from 1889 and consequently of if launching the bases of a project that added some of the proposals of the nationalistic movement.
This event is appraised as a process that determined the end of the hegemony of a parcel of the coffee bourgeoisie who dominated throughout the Old Republic the scene Brazilian politician, that is, the So Paulo parcel. This movement had as central focus, critical to the electoral process of 1930, adding it the crisis lived for the world-wide economy, mainly, for the effect of this crisis in the economy of the country based on the exportation of its product of bigger value of the market> the International: coffee (FAUSTO; 1986). In the LAMOUNIER analysis (1985), the model of State adopted in Brazil, after 1930, had as first politics the workmanship of a series of intellectuals who had elaborated a set of critical to the role played for the State, during the First call Republic. Between these intellectuals, the author cites: Alberto Towers, Oliveira Viana, Francisco Fields, Azevedo Amaral, Salty Pliny, among others. The question that approached the speech of this group inhabited in the fact of all to be fit in what the author calls of authoritarian thought.
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