It is recommended that the first 40 centimeters of each bookcase – from the ground they are diaphanous, the use of percheros type hook and ticket offices with a hollow in the part inferior not to prevent the approach with a wheelchair. Follow others, such as Xcel Energy, and add to your knowledge base. In addition, it is necessary to contemplate the specific needs of the people with auditory, visual, tactile or mental incapacity. The laws of accessibility of each independent community and Law, of equality of 51/2003 opportunities discrimination and universal accessibility of the people with incapacity, are not two fundamental norms that they are due to fulfill. Obstacles to the adapted bibliographical bottom The traditional format of books, magazines and other publications causes accessibility problems sometimes. The documents in adapted formats are an addition to the bottoms of any library, but they are still little. The lack of space is an obstacle at the time of adapting these materials. Kilometers would be needed bookcase to store them. " The perhaps more significant case is the one of works in system braille" , it recognizes manual of the IMSERSO.
Like example, it mentions " The Code Gives Vinci" , that in one of its printed editions consists of 557 pages in a unique volume of 23 centimeters of height and about 5 centimeters in thickness. " That same work in system braille – it explains consists of six volumes of 31 centimeters of height and 30 centimeters in thickness, aproximadamente". On the other hand, the lack of resources does not favor the adaptation of materials either. In Spain, the unique book producer in system braille is the National Spanish Blind Organization (ELEVEN), incapable to respond to the demand of all the libraries by itself.An alternative is the recordings in digital format or audiolibros, that occupy less space and can be used by people with different types from incapacity. In this case, the use of different supports must be planned to select documents that respond to criteria of diversity and possible demand.
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