From acute food poisoning in 2009 affected more than 140 thousand Russians. This data Rospotrebnadzor. Digital terrible. But many experts believe that official statistics are even smooths out the real picture It's not everyone who poisoned, will go to the doctor when you can get by washing the stomach … but the fact is that substandard products hit the store shelves and in the most prosperous countries. However, overseas learned not only identify low-quality goods, but quickly withdraw it from commercial setey.Posypte head ashes usually withdrawal of defective product from the market at the initiative of his own producer. Sprinkle ashes on his head – this is not just a way to save face. Voluntary recall allows the manufacturer to avoid serious fines and no less important benefits to lawsuits from customers.
It is noteworthy that isolated cases of food recall Russian market has also initiated a Western producers. In particular, in May this year, Nestle announced that the threat of the content of glass in her coffee. Alas, our producers to take up the topic reviews are in no hurry. And it is not that they do not care about their reputation. Even if they want to return the product to market – they do it will likely fail, anyway, quickly and completely.
As it happens in Europe or the USA? There exists mandatory for all manufacturers of food processing quality control and food safety – HACCP. In the barcode of the product produced by HACCP, encoded batch number, date and time of its creation, as well as Detailed information about the ingredients (when and who put them in the company who made) and even the specific people involved in production. These data allow us not only to fully withdraw from the market specific batch of low-quality product, but also to identify the causes that led to the emergence of braka.HASSPa you do not have to! "To recall procedure has become simpler, faster, and have had a greater effect – said Boris Gutnik, deputy director of the Research Institute of Meat industry – we just need to learn from European experiences and implement a traceability system in Russia. " While such a system operates only on individual companies – we have implemented HACCP on a voluntary basis. Of thousands of meat-processing plants at the Institute for the meat industry just over 10 certified for this in the full sense of the term innovation system. According to Vitaly Deledivka, Managing Director slaughterhouse "Outskirts", which already operates 2 years HACCP, they are ready for reviews. "Unfortunately, I'm not sure that our consumer is willing to accept feedback as they are perceived in the West – added Mr. Deledivka. – There is a rate accountability and transparency of the manufacturer. We also review may be interpreted as a recognition of the manufacturer's own insolvency. I would really like to think I'm wrong. " But something like the reviews in Russia is still there. "The finished product there is a return, but not in quality, and on shelf life", – says Andrey Bykanov, chairman of the Guild of the consumer market and services of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce. The seller gets rid of expired goods in order to get from the manufacturer of its value. And this review is done purely in the interests of the seller. When will be the opposite?
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