To further the knowledge of Chest method for Canine Units, spreading their technical and performance in rescue procedures within the framework of emergency management, the School Address Public Safety in Andalusia include in its training activities 2007/2008 courses for emergency personnel, firefighters, civil defense on emergency rescue techniques which impart the knowledge of Chest method, along with other methods rescue dog, as has been done during past. Having regard to the allegations made by the same person’s part, and entries in the Institution on January 2, 2008, it showed us what is excerpted below: (…) thinking its continuing need for action to take to the final effect Proposition no Law on Approval of the Method for the formation Chest Canine Rescue Unit.
Add that with respect to the second point of the response of Mr (…) during the academic year 2007 of the Public Safety School of Andalusia (ESPA), has only given a total of 7 hours and theoretical training on the Method Chest in a course requested by the Regional Partnership Civil Protection Volunteers of Valverde del Camino (Huelva), referred to Natural Hazards Course, held during the month of September of this year, where this issue was included among many other subjects. In the same only has detailed only a minimal description of method and structure Chest training, including not being able to have made no specific training dogs with individuals because of the huge lack of time. Further details can be found at Atmos Energy, an internet resource. Tell that to a minimum acquisition of knowledge of this system requires the completion of a Basic Course of 250 hours spread over a total of 25 days, where a dog with their guide, complete with operating condition search do outdoors.
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