Data obtained from qualitative sociological survey are of great value. But qualitative sociological research can be organized only with certain knowledge and practical skills. A systematic scientific approach, be sure the database is trained and experienced staff, modern computer equipment for data – all that is necessary for a qualitative sociological survey. "Polls", when pestered passersby on the street with a microphone, should be left to the creators of entertainment television and radio broadcasts. An excellent opportunity to organize a rapid and qualitative Sociological research provides advanced Call Centers – centers telephone information. For example, sociological surveys and studies are traditionally conducted through surveys and questionnaires, for a given sample of customer database. Call center employees in conducting opinion surveys, direct marketing to communicate with the respondents, they are well trained and know how to properly ask questions of various kinds.
Some Questions can be unpleasant for people, staff the Call Center know about it and know how to circumvent the unpleasant topic. Participants (respondents), marketing case studies may differ in social status, according to material prosperity. All need special treatment if the customer requires them all to interview. A customer is contacting with ordering the survey will forget about the problem
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