The poet will have poetries its in many other publications, to the side other popular poets. Here they are some of the most known poems of Patativa: – The sad departure; – It sings there that I Sing of Here; – Things of Rio De Janeiro; – My Protest; – Mote/Comments – Fish; – The poet of the Roa; – I appeal an Agriculturist; – Hell is existed; – Cow Estela and Boi Fub; – You Remember? – I go vor. very of the talent of Patativa of the Assar meets in records and CDs: – Poems and Songs, 1979. – The land Is Natur, 1981. – I sing Northeastern, 1989. -85 Years of Poetry, 1994.
-85 Years of Poetry, 1997. The traces of Patativa orality of the Assar, although to have innumerable published poems, it did not write none of them. With incredible ability of memorization, the poet decorated all its poems. All the verses that today we can see are thanks to the work of other people who if had pledged in transcribing poems of the poet, either hearing directly of the poet, either through writings. In this way, the patativana poetry strong is marked by the orality. A first element that evidences this orality is the proper poet. As we comment above, Patativa does not write its poetry, only recites them. Same in the transcriptions of its verses, we perceive certain search in if preserving the marks of its pronunciation: ' ' I sing ful and the abroio With all thing daqui: Pra all part I io Vejo a verse bul If the time walking in the valley Behind cure mine male Quero will repar pra As soon as io mountain range I pra top Sees one diluve of rhymes Falling inriba of min' ' (It sings there that I sing here) We see in the stretch above some transcribing words in accordance with the pronunciation poet.
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