Rio Grande Do Sul

Little if of the attention for other integrant parts of the hidrolgico cycle, as atmospheric waters and the underground, stored in the water-bearing ones. Before any thing, it is important definiz them. ' ' They are the carrying water formations, that store the liquid and allow its exploration for the use of the human being. The reserve of the water-bearing ones is the proper rain water. It can in such a way be a new water, he will be flat or hundreds of anos' ' , Everton explains de Oliveira, hidrogelogos and president of the Brazilian Underground Water Association (Borders).

It affirms that the hdricos resources underground Brazilians are enviable and the country must orient for the use of the underground water in all its potentiality, since that adjusted laws exist prescribed this exploration (OLIVEIRA, 2008, p.27.). As example of the underground water reserve, the hidrogelogo one cites the Water-bearing Guarani, considered the greater of the planet, that if extends for the states of Rio De Janeiro, the Mato Grosso, the Mato Grosso of the South, Gois, Minas Gerais, of So Paulo, of the Paran, of Santa Catarina and the Rio Grande Do Sul, beyond countries as Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. ' ' Its capacity of production is cinema thing. 800 for the moment wells exist that arrive to produce m3 ' ' , Oliveira explains. It also cites other advantages of underground waters in relation to the superficial ones. Its natural quality is very superior to the superficial water. The contamination risk is well inferior, because the protection of the proper surface exists.

Moreover, it presents the strategical advantage of distribution. He is much more cheap to supply by means of aquiferos that for the superficial water (Oliveira, 2008, P. 28) underground Water is a main drinking waters matrix, not an alternative source. When an agency says that this is an alternative source is an mistake technician.

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