For the history of European philosophy and intellect, the philosopher Descartes, further aggravated the vision of the world focused on the man, with his infamous cogito ergo sum, I think, therefore I am. This phrase became a powerful program of action, reducing the spirit to the man’s brain. The rest of the world is inert matter, an animal is not more than a handful of cells that Descartes compared to a mechanism, whose headaches are not more than the screeching of a machine. This contempt for animals finds its continuation in the current Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, which emphasizes the right to the unrelenting male dominance over the other creatures, and gives free without limitation that the animals be used for food and manufacturing of wardrobe, which allows animal experiments and that only condemns the suffering of animals so this contradicts human dignity. (Catechism, Rd.N2417). Nowhere is any Encyclical against cruel treatment in laboratories, in the cages of breeding farms, in transport or in slaughterhouses. Moreover, ecclesiastical dignitaries enjoy bullfights and defend the cruel games with animals during the festive celebrations of the Church. These goats are thrown from a church, are killed as living oracles pigeons tied with explosives and in Christmas massacre unequalled takes place to celebrate the feast of love conveniently..
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