Subject TIC widely disclosed in the articles sites and blogs Runet how to raise the TIC? how to get the TIC for free? etc. Topical index citation has value only in runet, since this parameter is the credibility of Web sites with in terms of search engine Yandex and, accordingly, other search engines and webmasters and bloggers from other countries do not udilyayut special attention to this parameter. Most bloggers start to monetize your blog It is in this setting, the indicator is a thematic index of citing. This index allows you to sell advertising space on the site (blog) and the higher the thematic index, the higher the income the webmaster. Today, raising the issue has become a kind of TIC 'Gold Fever'. The vast number of services and sites providing services to build the index in various ways, from simple sales seo-link to the publication articles on major Internet portals. Webmasters and bloggers are trying to raise the particles, both paid and free way, using black and white techniques.
Advice for novice hunters thematic citation index: Use only white methods raise TIC avoid punitive action by the search engine Yandex, that is, falling into the BAN. To date, the Internet, there are three main and most effective way to raising of the thematic index of citing, who are also free. 1. Registration in catalogs of high-quality sites, preferably endorsed by the search engine Yandex. To tell you the secret, the search engine most satisfied with the regional directories. 2. Publication of articles on niche sites, or in the case filed. 3. Exchange links with thematic sites (blogs). This is not a complete list of lifting particles. There are also additional methods to be used in conjunction with the major, then it will reach the maximum effect.
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