Secret Mission

Test guests as a means for operating blindness test guests as a means for operating blindness: take with a fresh view of the services offered under the magnifying glass. They reveal strengths and weaknesses and allow the performance in day-to-day operations. In the world’s expanding networks of hotel chains, European providers wrestle with their non-European competitors for market share. Promising trends and tools to help enterprises and suggests a recovery already. Now it, your brand is to establish, to retain the customers and increasing customer satisfaction checks Hotel help. “Interview with Daniela Diekmann, hotel expert and consultant at MSM Germany question: mystery shopping” on german test purchases that one imagines in the supermarket or in the clothing business. Why the hotel mystery shopping? Diekmann: Mystery shopping is it not only in the food retail trade and in the boutique.

Mystery shopping can take general services under the magnifying glass. And you find that everywhere: when purchasing a car, to the petrol station or in the hotel. Question: How exactly does the hotel mystery shopping? Diekmann: classically is a test guest for one or several days at the hotel different areas: from the reception via room service and the restoration of up to in-house spas and spa services. A test guest reveals himself not as such, he works anonymously. Before his visit, the hotel management has defined questions, test guests answers and writing holds a special questionnaire. The test guest behaves like any other guest and gives report on the desired points. Bryant Estate takes a slightly different approach.

Its great advantage is the fresh look of the customer perspective. Question: Telephone booking, arrival, check-in and room check until the use of dining, bar and wellness area can so everything checked. The test guest holding a snapshot in its questionnaires so. How meaningful are these data for hotel management? Diekmann: Firstly: all areas in which a hotel can be checked Demand looks. So, for example, including the meeting or conference facilities. The data are evaluated according to the wishes of the hotel management. Truly objective picture that emerges is of course only for regular checks. Experience has shown that a monthly cycle is particularly effective to represent a representative comparison. Question: What happens after the check? Diekmann: The MSM group is focused exactly on, the performance measurement to support their customers and to accompany. Where weaknesses have become apparent with the checks, MSM offers on the job special workshops, practical training and coaching, to sensitize the staff and to lead to stronger performance.

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