Table Activities

We will initiate the actions on the basis of the raised priorities, and will create a system to take care of to the actions proposals, if it deals with a flow that describes activities responsibilities, each collaborator to carry through the actions of its responsibility with support, so that if it does not lose during the passage of implantation of the actions. This tool we call DRA (Diagram of Net of Activities), with the objective to generate a flow of linked activities, in a logical sequence, where the activities do not pass to the following activity, without it has finished the activity previous. The responsibilities are commanded by individual, that has stated periods for the deliveries based on the target of the project, can generate a diagram of nets of activities (DRA), that it is a graphical target with the activities, responsible stated periods and. The accompaniment of all is very important the activities that you compose the DRA, is basic that the stated periods are followed faithful so that let us can fulfill the cronograma definite. The variations must give treated immediately, to minimize the impact in the implantation of the actions. The DRAs can be extended the too much activities raised in the Table of Priorizao, of agreement with the availability of investment in the project, since all the raised actions are important for the project, remembering that all the actions must be argued in team, and the inclusion or not of plus an action for treatment, must be of common agreement eats team of the project. After the implemented actions in accordance with its intentions, we must have accompaniment of the actions to verify its real pontecialidade, that is, if the result is really the waited one for the team. It does not advance to insert action for the improvement of a process or service, if not to exist periodic accompaniment with presentation for all involved in the activities and the too much teams of support, being proven or not resulted waited them.

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