It currently comumente is more comumente used as tool of research, leisure, entertainment, work and available to one alone click, therefore having, to be seen with good eyes, if mainly used communication all in rational way and not in way consumista. In the scientific field when it wants, it produces wonders, it assists in the scientific discoveries assist in the prolongation of the life, through the development of vaccines and medicines in the combat and treatment of illnesses that afflict the humanity. It still helps to also implant half sustainable of energy that contributes to diminish ambient damages that later ours will guarantee lives deeply here future in the Land. Well more present, in this reality the computer has itself, in its more diverse variations, as car-head, of this technological invasion in our lives. In little time the PC will take account of all the homes and will pass to synthecize all the existing medias, stimulating a new very small and portable, capable equipment model of assisting in them in the daily tasks, that go since a simple payment of accounts until the regulation of temperature of a house.
Who sees this fan of benefits and of the praticidade that the technology provides mainly in the domestic world, it does not imagine that in an ample vision, this relation still generates serious conflicts. To have technological domain between the nations, means to have to be able. When more the technology is developed, plus a country printed domain on the other. An example in the practical one of this is the warlike power of U.S.A., that for having an army and more modern weapons finishes for being a nation destemida before the others. This without counting of its internal advances, always to the front investing weighed in space research and mechanization of industries, finishes making with that they reach the highest levels of growth in the economy. This accurate formula of investment in technology and posterior return, sprouts covets on the part of some leaders politicians who turn in this model a necessary form to get endorsement before the world. Many heads of states in secrecy handle and store nuclear elements of dangerous form under the excuse of making solely with intention of alternative energy.
But, which will be the real intention for brings of this? The wild race for the plant construction nuclear, beyond increasing the risk of contamination for emptying, it makes possible the alternative use and pernicious in favor of the war, since the peace, still is very relative between the nations. We live in way to the instability, nuclei of conflicts blow up all in the world with great easiness. What it worries is that these radioactive substances, that can very be converted into weapons of destruction in mass well, fall at the hands of terrorists with position politicians what would generate enormous tension. Leaving for retssima final, it is evident that for more, that the humanity if pledges to decide the problems of the world with advances, is to salutar to stand out that, an action always generates a reaction. that no matter how hard this action, in principle, either made of good-faith, nor always, it will make jus to the reason for which she was servant, and its reaction could there be most diverse possible.
The people who visit a store on-line after reading on it in a site of social media are 10 more inclined times to buy something that other users, suggests new research of Sage Pay (PSP). The research, disclosed that, while seven percent of all the visitors of a virtual store makes a purchase online, the virtual storekeeper who receives visits from people who enter in its store through a site of social media beyond having 10 more visiting times – 71 percent – go to clicar in the operation section. The study still it showed that, while the retailers on-line can be good in attracting the consumers for its site, only one minority will be converted into customers. I suggest that, companies must develop tools of stronger marketing to make this conversion, the social media marketing, as advertising in the Facebook is a tool little valued, but it is highly efficient. Simon Black, director of the Sage Pay, said: ' ' flying of site for site, she is necessary very to seduce the customers of today. When the consumers enter in a store online, they even can to make a research and to place one or two things in the stand of purchases – but exactly when it types its number of credit card, not yet it has guarantee of that the sales will be realisada. The modern customer, many times looks at for the reaffirmation of a critical positive, offers special to become it accessible, cheap options of delivery and a fast, easy way and insurance to pay. Although the results, the research also disclosed to the skepticism on the power of the social medias between the traders on-line, with only five percent inserted believes them that the social media was the more efficient communication channel. This affirmation was supported by Keith Weed, Director of Marketing of the Unilever, that called ' ' word-the-mouth in esterides' ' , and it added that the marks could use it in its benefit.
We must send an email for the companies of host before contracting any plan. To send to the support department some emails, in different schedules, to only verify the rapidity with that they answer. We really need to choose one host that it has quality support. We must have the certainty that we will be able to talk with a human being will be necessary. To the times, this is the way fastest to decide a problem. Using to advantage this chance we will ask on the resources that host offers. If she has a characteristic that we need and is not listed in the characteristics of the plans, we need to ask if it is, or can be added. We do not forget in them to measure the time of that the email led to be answered.
To ask for to the company of lodging of sites a list with some sites that are housed in its servers is good a practical one, with the list in hands will go to verify if the sites load fast, will be able to send an email to the owners of the site (in the proper page of contact) and also to ask to them if they are satisfied with the service who are receiving. If host if to refuse to inform any site that is housed with it, we must eliminate this candidate. An important tip is to prevent serving NT, Mac and Cobalt. The best servers of lodging web are the based ones on Unix. For 95% of the people, a server based on Unix is the best option. Many people if scare when they hear to speak in Unix therefore they can think that it is difficult to use. In the reality however, it is more easy to use a server based on Unix of what the other existing options. All the novices, and even though some advanced desenvolvedores, will go to benefit themselves to have a panel of easy control to use to make the management of the site, Whenever we are to contract a service of host we must verify if they offer a control panel as cPanel, for example.
The last step is to certify if host offers some type of guarantee of uptime (time online). Some companies offer a guarantee of uptime of 99%, and if the site is not until much, you start the month you are gratis. Meanwhile it will not bring in return the potential customers who you lost, it makes to stimulate hosts to have its servers until the possible maximum. It has care many companies of lodging of sites explore its customers with prices nonsenses. We must have care not to spend very with one host, since today a service of good quality can be offered from R$5,00. It confers the prices of this site of lodging
How the process of technology transfer is not a recent phenomenon? it is known since the beginning of the English Industrial Revolution, its regulatory landmark comes being constituted throughout the time. In the last few decades, with the development each faster time of the technologies in the diverse productive segments, the roll that consubstancia the legislation on the subject more frequently had that to be modified. In Brazil, basically they are the three legal documents that constitute the regulatory landmark in this area: the disposals of the Brazilian Civil Code (Law n 10,406/02), the Law of Industrial Property (Law n 9,279/96) and the Law of Innovation (Law 10,973/04). 3,1 Technology transfer in the Brazilian Civil Code the mechanisms of technology transfer of an organization for the other are not recent phenomena. question is that the speed, the amount and the economic value of these phenomena had gained more importance with the globalization. Analogicalally to the transference of corporeal properties, the technology transfer between two citizens is foreseen in two forms: They materialBem incorporeal purchase well and vendCesso Location (rent) License (royalty) Adapted of OAK (2009, P..
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