After that, the pupils will go to make the reading of the text of Vani Kenski (the technologies invade our daily one), with sights to base theoretically what he was argued and analyzed in this first lesson. 2, 3 and 4 LESSONS: In these lessons, we will go to attend the two films: ' ' The war of fogo' ' , aiming at to the magnifying of the agreement of that the technologies do not mention only to the resources and eletroeletrnicos devices of the present time, but that, in contrast, they had always existed since the primrdios of the prehistoric age when the man started to discover techniques and to create instruments to facilitate the proper survival. Film ' ' Much beyond the Jardim' ' ; the objective is that the learning perceive how much the media can influence of positive and negative form the life of the people. Obs: The pupils must register (of written form) the points that consider more interesting, later to elaborate a summary, which will be integrant part the evaluation and note 4,0 will be valid. 5 LESSON: During this lesson, we will go to argue and to plan the elaboration and implementation of the TECHNOLOGICAL SAMPLE in the school. This event is integrant part of the quantitative evaluation and qualitative, note 6,0 will be valid and will be the end item of the work carried through on the subject in question.

The pupils will have to search in the Internet and didactic and paradidticos books, in magazines, periodicals and other material images, texts, news articles that speak on the different technologies already invented by the man. All this coletnea of material will have to be searched and brought for the classroom with sights the creation of panels, you wall that groups and other didactic materials will be produced in. The pupils also will be able to bring interesting objects that had been part of the daily one of the people and that today dactilographic machines, records in vinyl, LP are obsolete (? s, videocassetes, floppies, etc).

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