INTRODUCTION the strategical management became a critical and integrated part any managemental structure of success. For inherent requirements to the businesses, the data and backups of the companies are the item that must inside receive greater protection and security from the structure of YOU. In the process of storage and data locking backup has basic paper to guarantee the restoration of the data after simple badly done alterations or accidental deletions and disasters with loss of 100% of the stored original content, thus providing continuity to the business, without significant loss of information. As definition, backup is any used copy to safeguard information in a media, normally magnetic as form to keep a stored information as it exists in one definitive time. No system of storage is complete and safe without an adequate solution of backup for the environment. The duty to keep an environment insurance and provides continuity to the business passes for the responsibility of the area of Technology of the Information.
With backups being treated to form individualizada in each point where she has one storage, the great companies who physically possess decentralized and spread systems need to have as many units of backup as units of business. This situation leads to a lack of control centered on the status of backup in all the localities. Ahead of this scene, the development of a tool of support to the management of backups distributed inside of one same organization is considered. This tool will have to assist in the control centered of backups physically distant and to serve as abutment to the administrator of net for taking of decisions in related subjects the storage of data. Justification As it has few solutions of this sort in the existing market and solutions is specifies for definitive softwares of backup, without the possibility of adaptation for others softwares of other companies.
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