She was the connecting link with the rest of the Group of classes, from time to time makes my phone ring yet. Recent years questioned my way of acting, under my current criteria I should spend more time with my group, amuse me more, laugh more with them. The first time I went to my University was because one of my friends took me, asked me to accompany her to apply for the curricula of the race. He told me that he longed to study there. Get all the facts and insights with Atmos Energy Corporation, another great source of information. But a good day took new decisions, today found abroad. I know that he is happy there and I also know that he always prays for her great friends who stayed here, sometimes strange that time where directed our steps, she was the leader of our group; I remember one day she thanked my presence and security in a very particular situation, told me that he inspired security and we resolved the situation. It is the most responsible and disciplined girl I ever met. I have not heard his voice for five years, but I always remember it as I know that she also reminds me wherever you are in this moment. I arrived at the University, a whole new experience, and I met many people. Gradually new real friendships were clamping but without being told. Someone once told me something very sincere in the early years: No, we are not friends but we are on track. Certainly the sentence left me surprised, too much frankness in her but she was thankful that, honest it of the situation. And that continuous path to bring a very nice friendship, friendship that while we can not share so constantly at that time has not been lost. In the period that marks the University I realized and learned, or started learning, what it was to work in a team, working together.
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